Bluestone: what’s new for families with toddlers for 2017?

We just had an AMAZING weekend in Bluestone. It was our fourth holiday there, and our first holiday with another family….. and the sun shone all weekend…. we couldn’t have picked a better weekend weather-wise!

Bluestone lake
I just wanted to share some new things with you….

A new outdoor play area Continue reading “Bluestone: what’s new for families with toddlers for 2017?”

Baby S’s 9 month update

It doesn’t feel like much has changed since the last update….

Baby S still loves sitting. Just sitting. Picking up things, dropping things. Putting everything in his mouth.

Still nowhere near crawling or standing although he’s just starting to get a bit more wriggly! It feels like the calm before the storm as it won’t be long before I’m chasing after him, stopping him from getting into danger etc!

9 month old baby boy
Although actually, he does bum shuffle in the bath and he did it on my neighbour’s wooden floor last week but he doesn’t get the chance on our carpeted floor!

Still enjoys his food…. avocado has now overtaken broccoli as his favourite food! He has a whole weetabix for breakfast, quite often avocado on toast for lunch, dinner is usually pasta and maybe some snacks in between. 

Despite his good appetite, he’s still small. Maybe he poos it all out, he poos 3-4times a day whereas his older brother was every few days at the same age!

He hasn’t dropped any milk feeds yet although he still sometimes just grazes at his milk, he drinks the most if I let him fall asleep on the bottle for a nap!

Bedtime routine is still the same… most nights he sleeps for 12-13 hours but every few nights he’ll wake and quickly go back to sleep with a sip of milk. He’s been teething a bit over the last month but is ok at the moment… he now has 4 teeth!

As always it’s been a busy month with play dates and coffee dates, trips to St fagans museum of Welsh life, a walk around Tredegar park and a weekend away with lots of other children and babies in Sandy balls!

He loves bath time, dinner time, playfight time with dada, baby TV (!) and babbling!

He dislikes loud noises like his big brother shouting next to him!

Living without the internet – could you do it? I did… sort of!

Long story short, we lost our internet connection at home, we now have a temporary solution (EE box thing) so for about 6 weeks I was surviving on my phone’s 4G data….

On the one hand it was a really nice break! I’ve written before about being addicted to my phone... it felt almost liberating to only check my email/FB/twitter a couple of times a day instead of a couple of times an hour. I didn’t miss out on anything!

I got shit done! I ticked off things from my to-do list that had been on there for months and months!

I got smart…. If baby S was asleep in the car I’d drive around finding places where I could access free WIFI from the comfort of my car! I used free internet in our local library….

You see the thing is, it’s only when you don’t have the internet you realise how integral it is to our lives…. online banking, googling anything e.g. Phone numbers, directions, opening hours, online shopping – food, booking holidays (!), booking anything, staying in touch with people… friends but also people like solicitors, estate agents when you’re buying and selling houses…. watching anything on YouTube or catch-up TV…. hearing of any breaking news… and of course blogging went out the window!

So I’m glad to have it back and not have to worry about the cost of my mobile phone bill. But hopefully I’ve learnt how to use it a little bit less for the non-essential stuff and try to live in the moment a bit more! We’ll see….. have you ever given up the internet?! Could you?!

Baby S’s 8 month update 

If last month was the month of the jumperoo… this month has been all about sitting up!
He loves it, just sitting on the floor surrounded by toys (and of course his favourites are remote controls and mama’s phone!).

He still does his royal wave and when he’s excited he shakes his arms about! As well as sitting down (!) he loves peepo and mirrors!
So on the one hand he’s quite ‘easy’ at the moment but on the other he’s been teething the last few weeks so we’ve had some grouchy days, and a couple of times he’s coughed so hard that he’s been sick 😦

Damn those teeth! The top 2 are finally poking through.
He’s also coming out of ‘leap 6’ so more reasons to get grouchy as he learns the new skills of ‘getting’ things!

It’s mad reading his big brother’s update at 8 months – I was back in work, and W was busy trying to crawl and move! It’s nice to know I still have a few months before I go back to work… it’s going so quickly and I’m trying to make the most of it!
We’ve finished a weekly ‘totsplay’ class we were doing so I need to make an effort to take him to baby groups and drop-in classes like maybe rhyme time in the library and some musical ones. Actually I’ve taken him to messy play a few times with his older brother and he’s enjoyed that. 
Weaning is still going really well, he enjoys his food and is staring to eat more and more but hasn’t dropped any milk feeds yet. He absolutely loves munching on broccoli and cauliflower, and the only thing he doesn’t seem to like yet is pear!
His daily routine is nearly identical to W’s at this age – mad!
He’s a better sleeper than his big brother though – most night he will sleep through for 11-12 hours although we’ve had a couple of disrupted nights due to teething.
I haven’t had him weighed since his 6 month check but I do try to weigh him at home to keep on eye on him and he still seems to be around the 9th centile. He’s mostly in 6-9 month clothes but can still squeeze in to a few 3-6 month clothes. He’s in nappy size 3.

How I finally made some mummy friends!

When I blogged about whether or not to do NCT classes, I said that I’d not really made any ‘mummy friends’ first time around (although I must admit, I did strengthen some friendships I already had who had babies around the same time)
At times I felt lonely. I did loads of classes and groups but never clicked with anyone enough to ask if they fancied a coffee or play date. I was in a Facebook group for babies due/born in May 2014 but the members were dotted all around the world.

Continue reading “How I finally made some mummy friends!”