22 tips for weaning your baby 

We started weaning S at 6 months, though he was probably ready a few weeks earlier… he was literally grabbing at our food and putting it in his mouth!

We started with BLW and it’s gone really well, he took to it quicker than W did, hasn’t gagged much and hasn’t rejected much! A few months in and he pretty much eats whatever I’m eating but because he’s so small (9th centile) I do top him up with spoon-fed pouches to fatten him up a bit!

He loves cream cheese on crackerbread, and avocado but his all-time favourite is brocolli – I’m sure he’d munch on a whole one if he got the chance!

Weaning should be enjoyable but it can be stressful so I thought I’d share some tips 🙂

1. If you find that you waste fresh veg and fruit, try frozen fruit and veg and just defrost as you need it… you can get pretty much everything these days e.g. Kiwi fruit, cauliflower!

2. Learn how to read food labels – lots of things are labelled as ‘natural’ and ‘healthy’ but might have sugar as one of it’s main ingredients. I try to buy things that have 10% or less sugar in them (so that’s 10g in a 100g).

3. Yoghurts in particular can be packed with added sugar (there will always be some natural sugar from the fruit)- I always buy the ‘little yeos’ that have no added sugar. 

4. Don’t have carpet on your dining room floor.

5. If you’re unlucky enough to have carpet in your dining room, buy a shower curtain to put underneath the high chair (and a wide area around it ;)) 

6. The Ikea antilop high chair is the best-value thing you’ll ever buy at only about £15 and it’s sooo easy to clean! Why spend any more!?

7. Spend that money you saved on the high hair… on a hand-held vacuum! We have the Dyson DC34 which I bought when it was an offer and it’s FAB! Probably the most essential weaning product!!

8. If you have a hand-held vacuum make sure you empty it out very regularly… there is nothing nice about the smell of fish stuck in a dyson for a few days!

Baby weaning tips
9. That reminds me… always clean up as soon as you can after eating… weetabix and porridge turn to cement if not wiped away within 5 minutes!

10. While I’m on cleaning, stock up on wet wipes. If you thought you got through a lot when newborn was pooing all the time, try doubling the amount you’ll get through

11. One of the principles of BLW is that they eat what you eat. Don’t veer too far from this as you don’t want to eat their left overs if it’s something you hate!

12. Don’t spend hours slaving in the kitchen cooking… chances are they won’t appreciate it and would just as happily eat something as nutritious that took minutes to rustle up!

13. Basically be prepared to spend longer cooking and cleaning up, than the time your little one spends eating your delicious food!

14. On that note – some days more food will end up on the floor than in their mouths, try not to get stressed or worried about it!

15. Once you’re on the weaning journey, you have another weapon in your armoury if baby is grouchy – try giving them a snack, any snack!

16. You’re supposed to offer baby water with every meal. A lot of BLWers rave about the doidy cup but I just find most water gets split this way! We love the Tommee tippee beakers* – both of ours love the free-flow and the ‘360’ – basically just try a few different types and let baby tell you which they prefer! 
17. Don’t forget to take food with you when you’re out and about – Ella’s kitchen/Aldi pouches come in handy, if you’re gonna take finger food make sure it’s not messy (think organix crisps not blueberries!)

18. Each to their own but I always think it’s polite to pick up food mess from the floor in cafes etc. (Or at least make an effort to!)

19. A handy product for out-and-about (and home) is the Bibetta placemat* – portable and washable, with a pocket to catch food – very useful!

Bibetta place mat
20. When you’re out-and-about a lot of places have high chairs more suited to toddlers than babies – get around this by wedging baby in with blankets, coats etc!!

21. Again, that Bibetta placemat comes in handy for those types of high chairs that don’t have a tray attached – you can just hook it on the table – hygienic as well as handy.

22. And finally, be prepared to become a poo inspector (please don’t say it’s just me!!?) you will see (and smell!) a wide variety of textures and colours – it’s fascinating!!! 

That’s all I can think of for now, do you have any tips you can share? Pop them in the comments below!

*means I was sent these products to try out and share with 

Baby S’s 7 month update

S turned 7 months old a few days ago and it feels like the month where he’s developed the most….

7 month old baby boy
We started weaning him about 6 weeks ago and even though he doesn’t eat loads, he loves his food and will try anything we pop on his tray! His favourite thing is munching on broccoli!

I can’t remember if I said in the last update but he has two teeth (got them at about 5 months) which helps with the weaning! His top ones are imminent, so far he’s coping quite well with teething – his Amber anklet seems to be working!

We moved him to his own room a couple of weeks ago and he is sleeping SO much better! Goes to bed at 6/7pm and wakes once or twice during the night but… shock horror… twice now he has slept right through til 5.30/6am!!

He’s full of chat…. dadadadada and gah gah gah! He absolutely loves being in his jumperoo, more than his older brother did I think! He also sits up pretty well although not for long!

And one of his new skills over the last few weeks is waving, almost looks like the royal wave… cute!

The new year brings us a new routine! Every Monday morning we go to a TotsPlay class which involves a few songs/dancing, learning a few signs and then playing with different sensory toys. Monday afternoons, Tuesdays and Wednesdays we’re free to meet up for baby dates etc, sometimes we go to a local baby group on a Wednesday morning.

Thursdays and Fridays we have toddler W in tow too and I usually take them to a baby and toddler group, class or messy play, or softplay… we like to mix it up! Both boys have swimming lessons on Friday afternoons. 

They both adore each other (although W is a bit too loud for S at times!) the days I have both of them at home, W definitely helps me keep S entertained!

Here’s W’s 7 month update – hard to believe I was getting ready to go back to work, feel very luck to have a few extra months this time around!

Cheesy pasta bake with bacon, broccoli and cauliflower – feeding a family for £2 per head

Can you feed your family for a day for £2 per head? It costs £2 to feed and educate a child in Zambia per day. Voucherbox are donating £50 to Zamcog to feed children in a school in Zambia, for every blog post published as part of their £2 challenge (before end of Feb 2017)

It got me thinking about how much we spend and how much some of our meals cost. Here’s a family favourite that comes in under budget…. cheesy pasta bake with bacon, broccoli and cauliflower!

Continue reading “Cheesy pasta bake with bacon, broccoli and cauliflower – feeding a family for £2 per head”

REVIEW: Tommee Tippee Steamer Blender 

I’m a huge fan of Tommee Tippee – we use their bottles, perfect prep machine and steriliser, so I was VERY excited when they sent me a steamer blender to try out – and perfect timing as we’re about a month in to our weaning journey.

Tommee tippee steamer blender
It looks cute, compact and fits into a modern kitchen! The instructions are easy to follow, it’s VERY easy to use. Continue reading “REVIEW: Tommee Tippee Steamer Blender “